6 Scary Facts About Burglaries, Thieves and Home Security Systems In Windermere

Burglaries, Thieves


For many of us, smart home security systems in Windermere may not be a subject of interest or concern, however, there is a lot that many homeowners are unaware of when it comes to the security of their homes. Here are some of the most surprising facts when it comes to burglaries and thieves, as well as the safety of your home.
1. The majority of burglaries are planned and targeted carefully. The criminal may watch the residents and their homes for weeks, or even months, ahead of time in order to determine the routine of the neighborhood and the homeowners. They then plan out the burglary to ensure that they are successful and have covered any loopholes.

2. The majority of burglaries happen on a residential property. Approximately 74-94% of the burglaries reported happen on a residential property. This is mainly due to the fact that many residences do not consider it to be important to install a security system, making it easier for thieves to break in and leave without getting caught.
3. Thieves hate smart home security systems in Windermere. It’s important to note that 60% of the burglars avoid homes that have a security systems. So it is a good idea to have warnings placed outside your home notifying outsiders that you have a security system in place.

4. 65% of burglaries occur during the daytime. Most break-ins occur during the daytime, specifically between the hours of 6am and 6pm. This is mainly because the majority of the burglars want to avoid confrontation with the owners.

5. The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half if there is a smart home system installed. Many home-fire related deaths occur when the residents are unaware of the fire until it’s too late. This is why it is imperative to have smart home security systems in Windermere to alert the residents of any dangers.

6. A home without a smart home security system is 300% more likely to be targeted. As mentioned earlier, many burglars avoid breaking into homes that have a smart home security system in place. So it’s not surprising to know that houses without a smart home security system are 300% more likely to be targeted by thieves and burglars.

Smart Home Security Systems In Windermere to The Rescue!
As you can see, there are several factors pertaining to burglaries and break-ins, and many of them are dependent on whether or not a home is protected. The best way to ensure that is by having a security system in place.

Not only will you be able to scare away any intruders before they even consider to break in, but you will also be able to ensure whether or not you actually locked the doors, have a live surveillance of your surroundings easily accessible, and have the peace of mind that in the case of fire, your smart home app will notify you as long you have your cell phone in handy.

These are some scary facts! If you’re ready to getf your home the protection it needs with smart home security systems in Windemere, call our office today to talk with one of our security experts.

Published on October 23, 2018

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