How Monitoring-it-Yourself Home Security Systems in Central Florida are Leaving You Vulnerable

While it’s taken us decades to reach this point, home security systems in Central Florida have certainly evolved. That’s great news for homeowners. But some say that the pendulum can swing too far in the direction of change, and today we’re sharing some reasons why.

Why Monitoring Matters

The one area where some providers have gone too far is with Monitor-It-Yourself (MIY) home security systems in Central Florida. These are not true alarm systems since they rely on you to do the work of notifying the authorities. And they certainly do not provide the peace of mind that you need, want, and deserve.

Problems with Monitor-It-Yourself

This could be a long list, but we’ll just focus on three important issues.

MIY alarm systems rely on the internet. MIY alarm systems all have one thing in common: they don’t use a safer cellular link when there is an alarm event, but instead rely on a vulnerable Internet connection. Not only can that connection be easily severed, just like a phone line – it’s also much more likely to be out of service (even if only briefly) when you need it to work, compared to cellular communication.

If you’re out of cell range or on a plane, or somewhere else where you aren’t receiving signals, nothing happens. In these and more scenarios, when you miss that signal from your home, you can’t take any action – and the police or fire department will never be notified of a critical situation.

If you do get the signal – then what? First, you need to always have the number of your local police and fire departments handy because dialing 911 won’t help much when you are out of town. Then comes the hard part: convincing the authorities that you are 100% confident that the event at your home is a “real” alarm event.

Why Home Security Systems in Central Florida With Professional Monitoring is Superior

There’s a good reason why professional monitoring is the gold standard for home security: it works! You want a system that extends out over a safer cellular connection to the 24-hour monitoring center. The monitoring center will immediately attempt to confirm if an alarm activation is real, or a false alarm.

Unless they can confirm it’s a false alarm, they notify the appropriate authorities right away – police, fire, or medical – so you don’t have to. After all, we’re talking about the safety and security of your home and family. Let the professionals do their job.

The main reasons to go with a professional monitoring service are the increased security of having a live person checking if the alarm isn’t shut off within a certain period of time and contacting the police to come and do a welfare check if there isn’t an answer or a distress code is given. With home security systems in Central Florida that are armed with alarm monitoring, your family can sleep easier at night or while you’re away from home.
It’s important to remember that without professional alarm monitoring, your local police aren’t as likely to respond unless an annoyed neighbor calls them to complain about the noise of the alarm that has been set off.
Alarm monitoring is a necessary and important component of home security systems in Central Florida for any home or business. You can’t be too cautious when it comes to your family’s safety. So don’t take any chances – contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Published by Robert

Robert writing and blogging since he was a toddler. Her art of writing has always been influenced by his love of nature, animals and the world around him. She grew up in rural Tennessee where he spent a lot of time outdoors exploring the woods and fields near his house. This environment helped to shape both his life and his artistry of writing as an adult. In high school she took college-level classes in as well he appreciated and admired others for writing.

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