Are You Thinking About Getting Adult Braces in Wisconsin?

Adult Braces

The idea of getting braces as an adult may be frightening, with images of thick silver tracks and cruel insults from classmates. But times have changed and thanks to the latest technology, braces aren’t the emotionally-scarring things they used to be. In fact, today’s adult braces in Wisconsin often go unnoticed by others, allowing you get perfectly straight teeth without being self-conscious.

The number of adults who want to invest in their oral health is on the rise. There are many reasons for this, but one of the main ones is the advancement in the design of braces that make them less noticeable.

Today more and more patients are getting adult braces in Wisconsin, and while the principles of getting them are still the same, the experience will be nothing like it would have been as a teen. While having braces as an adult isn’t embarrassing, there are a few factors to consider whether you want to space out crowded teeth or close a gap in your smile.

Here are a few facts that you will be familiar with if you opt for adult braces in Wisconsin.

Oral hygiene is time-consuming. Taking care of your teeth with braces on isn’t difficult, but you will have to boost your game when it comes to oral hygiene. As an adult with braces, you will need to be prepared to spend more time in the bathroom, as cleaning your teeth becomes a little more difficult when they have brackets on them. Not only will you need to brush twice a day as usual, but you will also have to clean your teeth between meals.

 Your dentist will become your new best friend. If you are thinking about adult braces, be prepared to spend more time with your dentist than with your closest friends. There is more than one path to a straight smile, and your dentist can help you decide on the best course of treatment for you.

The possibilities range from regular braces to ceramic braces and clear aligners. Whatever type of brace you choose, you will have to put aside plenty of time for checkups as it takes longer for adults than children to achieve a straight smile.

 Bread is not your friend. When you first get braces, you will no longer be able to eat food with the wild abandon that you once did. You will need to steer clear of sticky foods such as toffee, chewing gum and sweets, but some of the foods that are off-limits may surprise you. It will become very obvious which foods are a no go and unfortunately, this will include bread.

 You will lose weight. There are plenty of sacrifices you have to make when you commit to adult braces in Wisconsin, and gooey high-calorie foods are just one of them. The silver lining to this is that you can’t help but lose a few pounds in the process.

Your toothbrush is a handbag essential. Having a toothbrush close at hand will ensure you can clean your teeth after meals to reduce the number of times you will return to the office without your lunch being trapped in the brackets.

 Excellent aftercare is paramount. After you have your braces taken off and you are left with a beautiful smile, it is easy to get lazy with your aftercare routine. The truth is that looking after your teeth once the braces are removed is crucial.

Failing to wear your retainer every night can lead to the teeth moving and once again becoming crooked. This is one of the main reasons that adults need braces when they are older, so be prepared to follow your dentist’s aftercare advice perfectly.

If you are considering getting adult braces in Wisconsin – just go for it!  Call our office today to schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and options.

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